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At Who You Are, we specialize in three primary areas of customized consulting: organizational health, team leadership, individual influence, program development and coach training.

Our customized services will enhance your capacity to facilitate higher levels of performance — for you, your team and your organization.


Below are introductions to several key resources leveraged by our coaches. Each of these resources can bring a fresh, new perspective to your team and your organizational culture.

We will help you identify problems and implement the critical solutions.
Are you ready to get started?

The Birkman Method

The Birkman Method remains a preferred instrument to better understand interpersonal dynamics and achieve higher performance through positive psychology. For over 65 years, it has been widely used in the fields of career coaching, leadership development, human resources management, and organizational design.


With less than a 3% margin of error, the Birkman Method is an unparalleled personality assessment that analyzes behavioral and occupational data from one questionnaire, and gauges the underlying needs a leader must have met in order to perform at his/her best. It identifies four key areas that deeply impact people in life and leadership: interests, usual behaviors, motivational needs and stress behaviors. High level understanding and management of each of these helps leaders be intentional about their presence, engagement and responses.

Through one questionnaire, the Birkman® can generate more than 70 reports covering an extensive range of topics.

To learn more about The Birkman Method, visit their website by clicking here. 


The Leadership Team Assessment

Based on the best-selling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, the Team Assessment is the definitive tool for leaders and managers looking to make their teams more cohesive and effective. Used by nearly half of a million people, no single product has helped transform the landscape of teamwork and change the world of work more. This is the perfect starting place for anyone looking to overcome team dysfunction and realize their potential.


Simplicity is the key. Building a healthy team is not complicated, but it takes discipline and focus. This is an ideal tool for teams who are ready to overcome common dysfunctions and increase performance.


Organizational Health Disciplines

Being a smart organization and a healthy organization are two different things. Smart organizations are good at the classic fundamentals of business - strategy, marketing, finance and technology. Healthy organizations have minimal politics and confusion, high morale and productivity, and low turnover. The reality is that you need BOTH to be successful. 


Organizational health has become the single most important business discipline and provides the greatest opportunity for competitive advantage. It's achieved when an organization builds a cohesive leadership team, establishes real clarity among leaders, communicates that clarity to everyone within the organization, and puts in place just enough structure to reinforce that clarity going forward. 


Implementing this distinct and groundbreaking model from Patrick Lencioni's The Advantage will help you foster extreme buy-in, collaboration and commitment to organizational health, starting with senior leaders and working its way through to your newest hires. 

What do we mean by 'customized'?

Creating a collaborative partnership, we assess overall leadership and organizational health and map out a unique game plan with you. We provide practical, relevant and strategic services after listening to understand, customizing our our services to meet your needs.

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